Progressive Dispute Resolutions

Mediation for Business

Evaluative – Innovative – Pro-active

Resolving Workplace Conflict through Mediation

Specialising in disputes including:

Interpersonal Conflict

Performance disagreement

Bonus or Commission




Mental health

Social Media

Employee welfare and rights

Employer rights

The 5 things you need to know about choosing the right mediator

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The Importance of Mediation in the Workplace

Our Mediators have owned and run businesses, with both large and small teams.

Workplace disputes, if left unresolved, can create a toxic work environment, reduce productivity, and potentially lead to expensive legal claims. At Progressive Dispute Resolutions, our workplace mediation services are designed to provide a proactive, legally compliant solution to manage conflict, rebuild relationships, and restore harmony within your organisation.

Human Resource sounds like a commodity – but it is people with families and friends, financial responsibilities and who contribute on many levels to the society in which we live.

The term Workplace dispute perhaps doesn’t do justice to those suffering the impact of personal and financial disputes, and the physical and mental effects this can have.

Workplace disputes can be very stressful and unpleasant, becoming a daily endurance of conflict, which in some cases can become a source of shame and humiliation resulting in ill health.  Nobody should be made to feel like this in their place of work!

At the same time the employer invests in their employees and relies on them to deliver a professional standard of workmanship; the employer also has a right to expect commitment, diligence and honesty from their employees.

We understand that every workplace conflict is different, which is why our mediation services are flexible, personalised, and legally robust.

At Progressive Disputes Resolutions Ltd we have established the three-tier mediation technique, for successful conflict resolution.

Tier 1 – An informed focus on the specific aspects at the heart of any disagreement.

Tier 2 – A visceral understanding of the Parties and their respective positions.

Tier 3 – Help the parties understand what is in their own best interests.

How the Mediation Process Works

Workplace mediation is a confidential and voluntary process where an impartial mediator assists both employees and employers in resolving disputes before they escalate.

Confidentiality and remaining impartial is at the core of the process.  We maintain complete confidentiality throughout the mediation, ensuring that the process is discreet and protects sensitive information.

Our Mediators remain neutral throughout, with first hand knowledge and experience, that ensures both parties feel safe and supported.

Confidentiality and neutrality does not mean the mediator has to avoid the role of devil’s advocate or adopting a deliberately contrasting perspective. that is designed to facilitate a constructive solution.

Mediation cannot be potent when treading on eggshells and will not be in the parties best interests to do so!

Our mediators are not only trained in conflict resolution, but also have working knowledge of employment law.

By fostering open dialogue and focusing on collaboration, we help avoid adversarial approaches, which often lead to broken relationships and potential legal disputes.

We live in a diverse and multi-cultural society where everyone can expect to have a fundamental entitlement to tolerance and respect.

Early mediation in cases of harassment and bullying can prevent serious escalation and multiple layers of harm that can be avoided.

Discrimination: Whether based on gender, race, age, or disability, we provide a neutral space to resolve discrimination-related disputes in accordance with the standards as prescribed by both the Law and common decency.

Personality clashes, communication issues, or management disagreements are common causes of workplace tension. Mediation offers a solution to help rebuild professional relationships and foster a positive working environment, preferably through enlightenment or otherwise implementing reasonable adjustments that establish legally defined boundaries to move forward.

Employers also have bona fide and reasonable complaints, which can range from trades union grievances to changes in financial circumstances.  

Disputes can be personal or circumstantial and we aim to garner mutual respect and an open dialogue to lay the pathway to resolution.

Maintaining Organisational Stability is beneficial for everyone, and by resolving conflicts quickly and amicably, mediation helps maintain business operations and workplace productivity, preventing long-term disruptions.

Choosing a mediator is a personal decision. Please feel free to schedule a 1:1 call with Phillip to see if he's the right mediator for you.

Choosing a mediator is a personal decision. Please feel free to schedule a 1:1 call with Richard to see if he's the right mediator for you.